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Day 2 - Greta's Health Check

Day 2 - Greta's Health Check

11 a.m. Greta is struggling to understand their broken English. They asked Alex if he was Greta’s friend or fuck friend, and I nearly burst out loud with a laugh. Of course, they are fuck friends but would not admitted to the doctor, because Greta is going steady with Steve. However they helped her out of her denim shorts she is shocked because, like a nurse like a doctor enjoying her naked ass, that is weird as fuck. Greta got her weight checked and had to give them a sample of her urine, well the girl wet the whole room as she’d been waiting for a while to be seen. The doctor smelled her urine and she was disgusted, when they sat Greta on the gynecologist's chair she has been washed with some liquid inside her pussy. They did swab with like twenty sticks. The nurse is eating a sandwich while they do that, please tell me someone that this is one joke because I can't soak this in! At least we have it all on camera because no one will ever believe this is happening!

R51.com 2
Day 1 - Check in to Residence 51

Day 1 - Check in to Residence 51

10 p.m. The receptionist gave us 2 towels, a bar of soap, and two toothbrushes, and warned us that the hot water was not running. She's not serious? We don't understand her. We're waving our arms and legs at each other, and it is funny. We have a medical appointment tomorrow supposedly it's standard procedure, but I'm not so sure about that. There are pictures of happy customers proudly displayed all over the walls, they look like they enjoyed their stay. We walk down the corridor past naked people who are not at all shy. I'm alarmed by the screams of a nurse carrying a woman on a bed in front of me, the crowd backs away and makes way for her. Irma was startled, spotting what she judged to be incipient labor between the patient's legs. From a distance, someone hollered that the lady was in a gang bang room. My first thought was, my God, and how many guys took turns on her, her uterus must have fallen out. The guy we were riding in the van with couldn't take it anymore and rammed his dick into one of the glory holes, completely oblivious to how many people were watching. I won't rest tonight. It seems that these people are here 24/7. We record everything and take pictures of everything we can, we didn't expect this, and some guests have been staying here for 30 days or more.

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