
R51.com 6
Day 2 - Greta's Health Check

11 a.m. Greta is struggling to understand their broken English. They asked Alex if he was Greta’s friend or fuck friend, and I nearly burst out loud with a laugh. Of course, they are fuck friends but would not admitted to the doctor, because Greta is going steady with Steve. However they helped her out of her denim shorts she is shocked because, like a nurse like a doctor enjoying her naked ass, that is weird as fuck. Greta got her weight checked and had to give them a sample of her urine, well the girl wet the whole room as she’d been waiting for a while to be seen. The doctor smelled her urine and she was disgusted, when they sat Greta on the gynecologist's chair she has been washed with some liquid inside her pussy. They did swab with like twenty sticks. The nurse is eating a sandwich while they do that, please tell me someone that this is one joke because I can't soak this in! At least we have it all on camera because no one will ever believe this is happening!

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Day 2 - Greta's Health Check

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