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Day 4 - Extreme Piss Pool Sex Orgy

6:30 p.m. - Irma is standing in the middle of the piss pool, watching Peter getting a blowjob from a beautiful girl with a leather face mask on. The dirty, fat receptionist is kissing a pretty girl, and it’s so strange to watch because the girl is beautiful, and the receptionist is everything opposite of her. I’ve noticed that this room has all sorts of areas where people piss and get pissed on. Adult play corner, so it is. By this stage, it is very easy to get involved because after a couple of days, you feel part of it, and all that seems shocking does become normal. Everyone pisses and fuck hard a lot. Greta is standing without her underwear, watching the piss pool orgy, biting her lips. A tall guy with a huge cock went at her and fucked her. Dirty receptionist assisting Greta, and finally, she looks happy since Steve left. Greta is filming everything around her, but someone goes from behind and pushes her down the pool. Her mouth and face dipped in the piss of all the people. People cheered her up, that was like an act of christening. The wildest redhead girl grabbed Irma's shirt and sucked the piss from the fabric.

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Day 4 - Extreme Piss Pool Sex Orgy

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